ACS Measurement Science Lectureships

In 2017, the three ACS Publications measurement journals teamed up with the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry to create a new award, the Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award, which would honor members of the community who have made a major recent impact in the field of measurement science, with winners selected on the basis of their lecture abstracts and their research output during the past five years.

The Division of Analytical Chemistry is extremely pleased to add this annual award. “This award holds a very unique place in the field, giving a chance for current, important science to be brought to the attention of an international audience, something a lot of career-retrospective type awards don’t provide. We are really happy to be able to work with the ACS journals to bring these topics and researchers to the fore.,” says Lane Baker, 2019 Chair of the Division.
“It’s important to remind people that almost everything we do in science involves measurement and those techniques and instruments come from the measurement sciences,” says John R. Yates, III, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Proteome Research.
The group decided to give the Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award to three recipients each year – one each from the Americas, Europe/the Middle East/Africa (EMEA), and Asia-Pacific. “We wanted to cover both the breadth of the incredible analytical chemistry we are publishing, as well as represent the major regions of the globe,” says J. Justin Gooding, Editor-in-Chief of ACS Sensors.
The inaugural Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award will be presented at a symposium by the same name, featuring lectures by the winners annually at Pittcon.
The hardest part of establishing this new award was deciding where to have the symposium honoring the winner, says Jonathan V. Sweedler, Editor-in-Chief of Analytical Chemistry.  “We selected Pittcon because it is a premier international analytical chemistry conference covering all the subfields of analytical chemistry.”
ACS Sensors, Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Proteome Research, and the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry encourage you to attend the Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Symposium annually at Pittcon to hear the latest and greatest from the world of measurements.*
*portions of this text are excerpts from

Call for Nominations: ACS Sensors, Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Proteome Research, and the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry are seeking nominations for the Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award, which will be presented at Pittcon. The Award honors the contributions of one individual from each of three major geographic regions — the Americas, Europe/the Middle East/Africa (EMEA), and Asia-Pacific — who has made a major recent impact in the field of measurement science.

Press releases on previous awards can be found below.

Press Releases on Measurement Sciences Lectureship

2018 Announcement
2018 Announcement

Details on the present call and how to submit nominations can be found here.

Previous Award Winners (Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship)

2018Neil Kelleher
Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh
Francesco Ricci
2019Charles Henry
Chunhai Fan
Ester Segal
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