Regional ACS Meetings

Division Support of Symposia at Regional ACS Meetings

The Division of Analytical Chemistry supports analytical programming at the American Chemical Society’s Regional Meetings. Awards are often made to support a thematic symposium or symposia. Funds can be used to support travel expenses of an expert in the field who would not normally attend that particular regional meeting, and then local speakers would fill out the symposium. Alternatively, funds can be requested to provide more modest levels of support to multiple speakers from the region. Typical award amounts are in the $500-$1000 range.

Making a request

In an effort to simplify the regional meeting support request process, a single request per regional meeting should be submitted by the meeting program chair or co-chair. Requests for regional meeting support should include the title of the proposed symposium or symposia to be supported, a tentative list of speakers, and the dollar amount requested. Support requests should be emailed to the Analytical Division business manager, Miquela Sena. Applications for support are considered on a rolling basis until the yearly allocation of funds has been expended.

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