Chemical Instrumentation

Advancing the field of chemical instrumentation through achievement of one or more of the following:

    • Conceptualization and development of unique instrumentation that has made a significant impact on the field.

    • Demonstration of innovative use of instrumentation in chemical measurement.

    • Stimulation of other researchers to use instrumentation in chemical measurement.

    • Authorship of research papers or books that have had an influential role in the use of chemical instrumentation.

This Award consists of a plaque and $2500. The latter may be used to help defray travel expenses associated with the recipient’s participation in the Division’s award ceremony (typically held at the ACS fall National Meeting each year) which are not covered separately by the Division.

Previous Award Winners (Chemical Instrumentation)

1955: R. Bowling Barnes1975: Myron T. Kelley1995: Richard Zare2015: David C. Muddiman
1956: Harold H. Washburn1976: (No award given)1996: Norman J. Dovichi2016: Nancy Allbritton
1957: Ralph H. Mueller1977: (No award given)1997: Donald Hunt2017: Robert Corn
1958: Maurice F. Hasler1978: James D. Winefordner1998: Milton L. Lee2018: Sandy Dasgupta
1959: Howard Cary1979: John P. Walters1999: Joseph Wang2019: David Russell
1960: (No award given)1980: Donald E. Smith2000: John B. Fenn
1961: Marcel J. E. Golay1981: Jon Amy2001: Stanley Crouch
1962: Howard K Schachman1982: Harry L. Pardue2002: Jonathan Sweedler
1963: Howard V. Malmstadt1983: Velmer A. Fassel2003: J. Michael Ramsey
1964: Robert Homer Cherry1984: R. Graham Cooks2004: Daniel Jed Harrison
1965: James N. Shoolery1985: Gary M. Hieftje2005: Lloyd M. Smith
1966: Leonard T. Skeggs1986: Fred E. Lytle2006: Andrew Ewing
1967: Robert L. Bowman1987: Edward S. Yeung2007: Scott McLuckey
1968: J. Raynor Churchill1988: Milos Novotny2008: Gary Horlick
1969: Dale J. Fisher1989: M. Bonner Denton2009: Robert J. Cotter
1970: Norman D. Coggeshall1990: Alan G. Marshall2010: Richard A. Mathies
1971: Fred W. McLafferty1991: Joel Harris2011: Steven Soper
1972: Edward B. Baker1992: James W. Jorgensen2012: David Clemmer
1973: Jack W. Frazer1993: R. Samuel Houk2013: Charles Wilkins
1974: Christie G. Enke1994: R. Mark Wightman2014: David Koppenaal